How Do I Take Care of My Mental Health?

I know that many people have their own ways of taking care of their mental health. Some habits are very common, but we always have to respect the individuality of each one. My methods may not work for you and vice versa.

1. I love to write. It's very therapeutic for me and helps to organize my thoughts.

2. I vent to my friends and some family members.

3. I practice gratitude daily even if I complain a little bit.

4I have supervision (a meeting with my Supervisor) to review my clients and things related to my work. Supervision helps me to reflect on my practice and attitudes at work; it also helps to identify areas for improvement and put development strategies into practice.

5. I listen to my favorite music.

6. I love to drive and sing with loud music.

7. I watch pranks on Youtube, podcasts or Tô de Graça (Brazilian TV show).

8I listen to podcasts related to mental health.

9. I follow comedy profiles on Instagram and watch videos to laugh.

10. I follow psychologists, profiles that address information about mental health and encourage human resilience.

11. I'm passionate about animal videos, especially if it has a dog or cat. I always watch for fun.

12. I get my nails done after work and I go to the restaurant for dinner whenever I can.

13. I take a relaxing shower in the dark, but I turn on the light in the hallway to lighten it up a bit.

14I often say NO to things I don't want.

15I choose a day of the week to have a romantic dinner.

16I spend the weekend with my friends when I have free time.

17. I drink with my friends.

18. I read affirmation sentences.

19. I do guided meditation for 5 minutes.

20. I shop online at cheap sites like Amazon, Walmart, Shein, Just Fabulous, etc.

21. I like to join groups that discuss topics that interest me.

22. I book doctor's appointments for a checkup.

23. I read about mental health issues.

24. I plan trips with friends and family.

25. Lighting scented candles.

26. I drink herbal tea, usually chamomile to calm my mind.

27. I make lunch to gather my family.

28I decorate the house and have themed parties.

29. I use my massage devices to relax.

30. I help people in need.

31. I try to eat a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and fruits.

32. I donate when I can.

33. I talk to God. He gives me hope.

34. I sleep when I'm mentally tired. Sleep recharges my energy.

These are just a few things that I practice on a daily basis. What about you? What have you been doing to improve your mental health?

We are living in an era where it is essential to get the support we need to make real changes in our lives.

Every year, more people have some form of mental illness around the world and these illnesses have symptoms that make life difficult in some way.

There are some people who already have a tendency, but the reality is that it can happen to anyone. It doesn't matter your age, gender, race or income level.

Thankful for the advances in medicine, mental health conditions have become more treatable. If people have access to the right resources, they have the possibility to improve and prosper too.

So the inclusion of some habits and therapy can help you. You will be supported by experts who will address particular issues, common mental health concerns and they will offer you reliable tools to overcome your challenges.

There are people who will say: - My mental health is very good; it's good that you have because I want to see the good in people. However, even if your mental health is excellent right now, it's smart to take steps to protect it. We always have to take care of ourselves because life is made of ups and downs. In addition, acquiring more information can help friends or family members who are experiencing difficulties. You can inspire those around you to seek help if you can spot the signs.

Our mental health is important!

Be sure to download my free e-book on how to improve your mental health. (It’s in Portuguese)

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